Genericart Medicine Store

Aarogya Generic Medical Store
SN 8, Kasturi Park CHS, Kalyan Shil Rd, Regency Road, Ajade, Golavli
Thane - 421203
Near Venkatesh Petrol Pump

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Glaucoma affects millions, but early detection and treatment can prevent vision loss

Glaucoma affects millions, but early detection and treatment can prevent vision loss. Stay aware, get regular eye exams, and safeguard your health. ग्लुकोमा (काचबिंदू ) अनेक लोकांना प्रभावित करतो, पण वेळेवर निदान आणि उपचारांनी दृष्टी गमावण्यापासून बचाव होऊ शकतो. जागरूक रहा, नियमित डोळ्यांची तपासणी करा आणि तुमच्या आरोग्याचे रक्षण करा. #WorldGlaucomaDay #ProtectYourVision #VisionCare #EarlyDetectionSavesSight #HealthyEyes #PreventBlindness #genericart #medicine #genericmedicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #qualitymedicine #affordableprices #satisfiedcustomer #maharashtra #India #WorldGlaucomaDay #ProtectYourVision #VisionCare #EarlyDetectionSavesSight #HealthyEyes #PreventBlindness #genericart #medicine #genericmedicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #qualitymedicine #affordableprices #satisfiedcustomer #maharashtra #India

Posted On: 12 Mar 2025 8:00 AM
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