Genericart Medicine Store

Guru Mauli Genricart Medicine
Property No 102, Shivaji Raje Road
Belgaum - 590014
Near Shivaji Circle

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 Eye Checkup Camp at Genericart Head Office Taking care of our teams health is our top priority

👁️🩺 Eye Checkup Camp at Genericart Head Office! Taking care of our team’s health is our top priority. 💙 Genericart organized a free eye checkup camp for all employees to ensure their well-being and promote healthy vision. 🌟 Because a healthy workforce is the backbone of a successful company! #GenericartCares #EmployeeWellness #HealthFirst #VisionCare #HappyEmployees #HealthyWorkforce #Genericart #Medicine #GenericMedicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #QualityMedicine #Maharashtra #India #GenericartCares #EmployeeWellness #HealthFirst #VisionCare #HappyEmployees #HealthyWorkforce #Genericart #Medicine #GenericMedicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #QualityMedicine #Maharashtra #India

Posted On: 17 Mar 2025 5:10 PM

Monday Motivation 🌟 Consistency is Key! Consistency is the foundation of good health. 🏋️♂️ Small, daily habits lead to lasting well-being. ✨ Stay consistent, stay healthy! 💪 Taking your medication on time, including Genericart medicines, is a small step that ensures big health benefits. #MondayMotivation #ConsistencyIsKey #HealthyHabits #WellnessJourney #StayHealthy #HealthFirst #DailyHabits #BetterLiving #Genericart #Medicine #GenericMedicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #QualityMedicine #Maharashtra #India #MondayMotivation #ConsistencyIsKey #HealthyHabits #WellnessJourney #StayHealthy #HealthFirst #DailyHabits #BetterLiving #Genericart #Medicine #GenericMedicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #QualityMedicine #Maharashtra #India

Posted On: 17 Mar 2025 9:44 AM
On March 13, 2025, the Kolhapur District Bar Association, in collaboration with Genericart Medicine Company, organized an in...

On March 13, 2025, the Kolhapur District Bar Association, in collaboration with Genericart Medicine Company, organized an insightful discussion session at Shahu Hall, District Sessions Court, Kolhapur. This session aimed to raise awareness about the benefits of generic medicine among Bar Association members and District Court employees. Shri Siddharth Salokhe, Director of Sales at Genericart Medicine Company, highlighted the significant savings of up to 70% achieved through generic medicine without compromising on drug effectiveness. Over the past nine years, Genericart Medicine has positively impacted over 1 crore people through 1800+ franchises across India, saving ₹700+ crore for the general public. Shri Salokhe also shared details about their convenient home delivery service via the Genericart mobile app. Kolhapur District Bar Association President, Adv. Sarjerao Khot, pledged to promote generic medicine usage among members and create societal awareness as a noble initiative. The event was organized by Adv. Mansi Joshi, with active participation from Adv. Nishikant Patole, Adv. Sarita Ghorpade, and many lawyers and staff members. Together, let’s build a healthier and more informed society! 💊🌟 #GenericMedicine #HealthAwareness #KolhapurBarAssociation #AffordableHealthcare #GenericartMedicine #SavingsOnMedicine #KolhapurEvents #LegalCommunity #EmpoweringHealthcare #HealthForAll #GenericMedicineAwareness #MedicineWithImpact #WahiKaamSahiDaam #HealthOnABudget #SameQualityBetterPrice #maharashtra #India #GenericMedicine #HealthAwareness #KolhapurBarAssociation #AffordableHealthcare #GenericartMedicine #SavingsOnMedicine #KolhapurEvents #LegalCommunity #EmpoweringHealthcare #HealthForAll #GenericMedicineAwareness #MedicineWithImpact #WahiKaamSahiDaam #HealthOnABudget #SameQualityBetterPrice #maharashtra #India

Posted On: 16 Mar 2025 9:00 AM
 Exciting Business Opportunity with Genericart Genericart provides training and support for individuals without a...

💼 Exciting Business Opportunity with Genericart! 💼 Genericart provides training and support for individuals without a background in the pharmaceutical sector. No prior experience required—just your passion to make a difference in healthcare! 📞 Contact us today for more details and start your journey with us. +91 9090308484 #BusinessOpportunity #BusinessWithPurpose #GenericartOpportunity #HealthcareEntrepreneurship #NoExperienceNeeded #MakeADifference #GenericMedicineBusiness #FranchiseSuccess #TrainingAndSupport #genericart #medicine #genericmedicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #qualitymedicine #maharashtra #India #BusinessOpportunity #BusinessWithPurpose #GenericartOpportunity #HealthcareEntrepreneurship #NoExperienceNeeded #MakeADifference #GenericMedicineBusiness #FranchiseSuccess #TrainingAndSupport #genericart #medicine #genericmedicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #qualitymedicine #maharashtra #India

Posted On: 15 Mar 2025 5:00 PM
 Be the Change Your District Needs Join hands with Genericart Medicine, Indias leading generic medicine company, ...

🌟 Be the Change Your District Needs! 🌟 Join hands with Genericart Medicine, India’s leading generic medicine company, and make healthcare affordable and accessible in your area. As a District Partner, you’ll play a key role in transforming lives by providing quality medicines at lower costs. With 2000+ franchises and 1 crore+ happy customers, Genericart is leading the healthcare revolution. 💊 Take the first step toward making a difference today! #BringTheChange #GenericartMedicine #DistrictPartner #HealthcareForAll #GenericMedicines #AccessibleHealthcare #BusinessWithPurpose #HealthcareInnovation #Generic #Medicine #GenericartMedicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #QualityMedicine #AffordablePrices #SatisfiedCustomer #Maharashtra #India #BringTheChange #GenericartMedicine #DistrictPartner #HealthcareForAll #GenericMedicines #AccessibleHealthcare #BusinessWithPurpose #HealthcareInnovation #Generic #Medicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #QualityMedicine #AffordablePrices #SatisfiedCustomer #Maharashtra #India

Posted On: 14 Mar 2025 9:00 AM
 World Kidney Day Lets raise awareness about the importance of kidney health Healthy kidneys mean a healthy l...

🌍 World Kidney Day 🌟 Let’s raise awareness about the importance of kidney health! 💧 Healthy kidneys mean a healthy life – it all begins with taking care of yourself. Stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet, and prioritize regular checkups. 🩺 Love Your Kidneys, Love Your Life! #WorldKidneyDay #KidneyCare #HealthyKidneys #KidneyHealthAwareness #StayHealthy #HealthMatters #Genericart #medicine #Genericmedicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #qualitymedicine #affordableprices #satisfiedcustomer #maharashtra #India #WorldKidneyDay #KidneyCare #HealthyKidneys #KidneyHealthAwareness #StayHealthy #HealthMatters #Genericart #medicine #Genericmedicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #qualitymedicine #affordableprices #satisfiedcustomer #maharashtra #India

Posted On: 13 Mar 2025 12:00 PM

होळी म्हणजे अंधकारापासून प्रकाशाकडे जाण्याचा प्रतीक. यावेळी, आपले आरोग्य आणि जीवनशैली सुधारण्याचा संकल्प करा. औषध आणि आरोग्य क्षेत्रात नवे उपाय, उपचार आणि संजीवनी शक्ती आपल्याला ताजेतवाने आरोग्य देत आहेत. स्वस्थ आणि समृद्ध जीवनासाठी होळी साजरा करा! Holi symbolizes the transition from darkness to light. This time, resolve to improve your health and lifestyle. New solutions, treatments and life-giving powers in the field of medicine and health are giving us refreshing health. Celebrate Holi for a healthy and prosperous life! #Holi2025 #TransitionToLight #HoliVibes #HoliCelebration #HoliJoy #Genericart #medicine #GenericMedicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #qualitymedicine #affordableprices #satisfiedcustomer #maharashtra #India #Holi2025 #TransitionToLight #HoliVibes #HoliCelebration #HoliJoy #Genericart #medicine #GenericMedicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #qualitymedicine #affordableprices #satisfiedcustomer #maharashtra #India

Posted On: 13 Mar 2025 8:00 AM
On No Smoking Day, we remind everyone of the life changing benefits of quitting smoking

On No Smoking Day, we remind everyone of the life-changing benefits of quitting smoking. Together, let's take a step towards better health. Smoking cessation is crucial for improving overall well-being, and with the right support, a smoke-free life is achievable. Let’s work towards a healthier tomorrow! #NoSmokingDay #QuitSmoking #HealthFirst #TobaccoFree #ChooseHealth #QuitForGood #SayNoToSmoking #HealthyLiving #Genericart #medicine #Genericmedicine #wahi_kaam_sahi_daam #qualitymedicine #affordableprices #satisfiedcustomer #maharashtra #India #NoSmokingDay #QuitSmoking #HealthFirst #TobaccoFree #ChooseHealth #QuitForGood #SayNoToSmoking #HealthyLiving #Genericart #medicine #Genericmedicine #wahi_kaam_sahi_daam #qualitymedicine #affordableprices #satisfiedcustomer #maharashtra #India

Posted On: 12 Mar 2025 10:00 AM
Glaucoma affects millions, but early detection and treatment can prevent vision loss

Glaucoma affects millions, but early detection and treatment can prevent vision loss. Stay aware, get regular eye exams, and safeguard your health. ग्लुकोमा (काचबिंदू ) अनेक लोकांना प्रभावित करतो, पण वेळेवर निदान आणि उपचारांनी दृष्टी गमावण्यापासून बचाव होऊ शकतो. जागरूक रहा, नियमित डोळ्यांची तपासणी करा आणि तुमच्या आरोग्याचे रक्षण करा. #WorldGlaucomaDay #ProtectYourVision #VisionCare #EarlyDetectionSavesSight #HealthyEyes #PreventBlindness #genericart #medicine #genericmedicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #qualitymedicine #affordableprices #satisfiedcustomer #maharashtra #India #WorldGlaucomaDay #ProtectYourVision #VisionCare #EarlyDetectionSavesSight #HealthyEyes #PreventBlindness #genericart #medicine #genericmedicine #Wahi_Kaam_Sahi_Daam #qualitymedicine #affordableprices #satisfiedcustomer #maharashtra #India

Posted On: 12 Mar 2025 8:00 AM
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